About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Nov 13, 2011

Headaches, Lethargy, Frustration

Almost a case of deja vu last night. After rebounding extremely well last week I decide (or more accurately relented) to a half day of carbing up. Thinking my last exam was the next day I conceded to help my study which required more cramming than actual proper study. As always though the controlled carb up soon gave way to open slather on shit food - chocolate, minties, jatz. With the hit food came the lethargy and with that came the return of the screen. I resisted from the TV for most of the day but was unable to resist the DVD player on my laptop. Eventually even my resistance to TV passed away as a movie I wanted to watch was on (2012 - end of the world based on the Mayan calender saying the world will end Dec 21st 2012, a day before my 23rd birthday). Some snoozing during the day along with the ads on TV kept me awake and with that inability to drift off came the frustration. I lay there tossing and turning in the black sludge of my mind.

However unlike last week I woke up on the rebound determined for the carb up 1/2 day not to become a 2 or 3 day binge. This attitude was helped by finding out I miscalculated the date of my exam, giving me an extra day to cram (I hadn't done a shred of study). Nonetheless it took some going to get out of the house relenting to bed-ridden lethargy until midday. But a bike ride and awesome arm and shoulder gym session later and I am back on track to perfection. Before jumping on the bike I had my mid-morning snack of 2 eggs and some salt and pepper (usually I have some salad but I have ran out until shopping tomorrow). As I ate the somewhat inattractive meal I reflected upon the migraine-level headache, the inquentionable thirst and depression of the previous day's carb binge. Compared to that this meal - simple, small and relatively bland, there was a world of difference. Upon finishing it I was energised, not hungry but not full and light. I felt alive and able to take on anything again! Quite a different perspective to the mindset of requiring carbs for energy. Whilst I appreciate the need for a carb up I think I need to approach it as just another cutting day simply with different foods. The complexity and structure of a normal cutting day seems to be easier and more fulfilling for me without any major side effects. So that'll be the plan I will plan out and pre-cook the carb-up half day for this week.

Let's Get It, Alpha and Out!

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