About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

May 24, 2011

Back in Blog

I'mmmmm baaaccckkk! Man things have been busy lately as it comes to the pointy end of semester. Two big projects in 2 days, a quiet recovery night tonight then ramping up the exam prep. Plus work and a Tri Reboot. Exciting times in Brisbane. Speaking of which it is one of those awesome Brisbane days. A nice icy chill with high winds and sunlight. What more could you want.

Ok now for the real exciting news. After months of weighing it up and procrastinating i have finally decided to resume training with the UQ Triads for triathlons. Reading other triathletes blogs has really reawaken that intense obsession of becomes. The great joy, the excellent weight loss, the competition and feeling of accomplishment. It is intoxicating. I will start at the end of this week or early next week as it will complement my study for exams nicely.

Great times, Alpha and out! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

May 9, 2011

Goals and I-a-mo-Phones!

I've decided to spread out my posts a bit more to keep it quality not 1 paragraph of nothingness each day. A lot has happened in the past week. 2 mid-semester exams, about 20-25hrs of work and last but certainly not least I finally purchased an iPhone. Am thoroughly enjoying the phone it is great. Of particular relevance was the free app My Fitness Pal. This app records my eating and exercising each day with a huge database of foods to search from, it calculates your required consumption daily and then bounces that off the exercise you do. I am not being paid for this glowing praise (although it would be nice if there are any creators browsing) however I have thoroughly enjoyed my limited experience with it.

Ok onto the goals;

Weekly Goals Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May

- Have at least 1 perfect diet day (aiming for Tuesday) Completed Friday
- Attend the Gym 3 times for weights (aiming for Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday) Only managed Once Tuesday
- Remove Ice Cream from diet Success
- Do not Snooze in bed all day on the weekend, Get up. Success
- Order Contact Lenses Success
- Do shopping and get eggs to make omelettes for breakfast Success

Overal a very successful week overall. Kind of disappointed I only made it once to the gym but made up for it with riding to and back from work. Returning to omelette making has been rewarding and I've only missed it twice since last Tuesday thanks to early starts at work. Ok now for the drumroll, here is this week's goals building on last week.

Weekly Goals Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May

- Attend the gym 3 times (aiming for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
- Attend University from 9am-5pm 3 times this week (aiming for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
- 2 perfect diet days (aiming for today and Thursday)
- Budget my Funds and Stick to it (establish Tuesday night)

Ok now lets let that success breeding, Alpha and Out!

(pic from http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=b9c5d648db18fb13af1e5289160cef55&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fb1kLxLdtIiE%2F3.jpg)

May 2, 2011

Justice and Goals

As the world (or at least the non-radical terrorist world) rejoices and remembers those whose lives were taken by Osama Bin Laden and in the pursuit of him, I have decided to blog my Week Goals, the small blocks in the "bigger picture"

Weekly Goals Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May

- Have at least 1 perfect diet day (aiming for Tuesday)
- Attend the Gym 3 times for weights (aiming for Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday)
- Remove Ice Cream from diet
- Do not Snooze in bed all day on the weekend, Get up.
- Order Contact Lenses
- Do shopping and get eggs to make omelettes for breakfast

Ok those are obtainable goals for this week, lets get started on knocking them off, Alpha and Out!

May 1, 2011

In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle

...the lion sleeps tonight. I was last night enraptured in songs from the Lion King as I road home from work at 1am. At this time in the morning there is no one to hear you sing. Singing while on the bike is a good thing as it shows I am in rhythm and cycling well.

Last week was yet again a up and down week. I have dropped the idea of a contract as I felt the wrath of to many strict rules for most of last week. I realised I keep trying to break habits that have formed over 2 or more years overnight. This is just not realistic. What I need to and am going to focus on from now on is weekly goals to hit. These goals will lead me in the direction of my primary goal but will allow the sense of satisfaction as I complete them each week. So hear is last weeks pro's and con's;

- Made it to the gym at least once
-Got experience at work
- Did plenty of study
- Learnt my way to creating short goals, hopefully for greater success
- Broke Saturday snoozes with 6hrs of study

- Had numerous binges
- Diet planning was completely out the window
- Fell into snoozing mode on Sunday