About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Feb 15, 2011

Meanwhile in Japan

Ah yes, internet access has returned and I find myself in a hotel in Japan. After a rough 24 hours to get to Tokyo which included a midnight 1 hour drive to Cabolture the night before a 7am morning flight and then a volcano in Japan causing light delay (thought it was going to be much worse!). Arrived in Tokyo in heavy snow, checked-in then went for a stroll around Ikebukuro in the snow. A big day yesterday in central Tokyo.

Ok other than a travel report I am using this 2 weeks in Japan as a "slate wiper". I will use it to reposition all the crap from the past 2 years into the past and begin the transformation into the Alpha. I also will start my weight loss again with help from cold weather, tourist daily walks and the generally small healthy servings of Japanese food. I reckon a loss of 5 kg's is a decent goal for the two week period. That will be a solid foundation for when I return so I can hit the ground running. Alpha and Out!

From the Archives:

Friday 4th February

Avoid the Crash, Avoid the Crash...

Avoid the Cr........ash! That was my mantra Monday night. After my usually full on and successful Monday in terms of exercise and diet I was feeling good and was happy to take out my contact lenses knowing my work was done for the day. However after a slight sleep in I still managed to get a dog walk in on Tuesday morning. However soon after a number of factors smashed me one after the other. Stress sent my cortisol through the roof. Combine this with not eating my planned snacks and lunch etc and the whole day imploded. A late night of TV escapism caused a complete meltdown on Wednesday. Thursday I made it until lunch time before again being rendered useless. Today however I have picked myself up and really pushed me through some work-related tasks.

Stress. It has severely affected my weight loss goal and sent my weight from a 90kg low in mid 2010 to a 100kg for most of December until now. While I have a lot to stress about, it all can be managed better. At this stage I have conditioned responses to stress (thank you psychology subjects) which involve snacking on bad food and escapism to television. However I need to approach why I am getting stressed and minimalising those messages. Looking back it is all the negative self talk in my head more than anything, corrupting my thoughts and poisoning my mind. It is time to employ a strategy to manage this as it is holding back all of my goals in the pursuit of the Alpha lifestyle. Let’s try the following for a week;

Strategy - “The Antidote”

Whenever I realise through introspection that my thoughts have gone negative I will snap a rubber band on my wrist and repeat the following -

“That is not true! You are the Alpha! Ain’t Nothing Gonna Bring You Down!”

Lets see how this treats me for a week. I can do it, Alpha and Out!

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