About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Feb 2, 2011

Communication Breakdown!

Unfortunately my circumstances have cut my access to the internet for the foreseeable future explaining the lack of new blogs. I have been trying to at least type them up on a daily basis but I only have a few so far (posted below). Things are quite hectic at the moment and my head is all over the place. In the next week or so I will endeavour to begin regular posting once more, Alpha and Out!

Monday 10th Jan

Title: Revamped

After the christmas- new years hangover period I have finally organised myself for another tilt on my weight-loss journey. I have revamped my training diary based on how I used my previous one. This meant having a section in the diet to write down any changes to my diet plan if I don’t have the correct food stuffs and a time based exercise bar in comparison to a planned exercise schedule. This will allow me to focus more on time spent exercising which is what I need at the moment in opposition to the type of exercising. I have also narrowed it down to a 4 week period. This will allow me to focus more on the blocks of time towards my goal in March rather then trying to keep focus on the whole 9-10 weeks.

This 4 week block will focus purely on fat loss and weight reduction. This means lots and lots of cardio while downsizing the time spent on weights.

Briefly I want to elaborate on my confidence, another crucial armament as Alpha. Last night I was out with my mates and we started to try and work on approaching people to start conversations. We managed to strike up one mainly due to the help from my mate. I felt no fear, nothing bad at all however for the rest of the night I just couldn’t approach anyone at all. This is all to do with confidence. While my confidence is returning it is still a small slice of what it was two years ago. Your confidence will always fluctuate on a day to day basis but at the end of the day it is a choice whether you pull it up or put it down. It’s all on You! I have got to work on pumping it up and removing the negativity that has sunk in over the past two years. Here we go again, Alpha and Out!

Sunday 23rd Jan

Better Tighten My Belt Before the Start

A week of reflection and reading has refocused me and has set me up for another tilt at the Alpha journey. Looking back, I was most fit when I had a performance goal to achieve as a triathlete. I have struggled throughout this year training for health and admittedly vanity however when I was training for triathlons I was jumping out of bed, gunning through the sessions and really enjoying life. In fact the main factor things began to unfold was that I was not making my training sessions. Now a large reason I had so much success was the tri-club around me, like minded people cheering me on, however at this stage aside from the financial limitation, my current fitness would see me at the bottom of the pack and could potentially do more damage so for now it is up to me and my trusty training manual purchased two years ago. In all aspects of my life I find things go smoothly when I have thoroughly planned them out.

Now to the belt tightening. As January draws to a close, the brief reprieve from my lack of funds due to credit cards and birthday money is also dimming over the horizon. This will limit my ability to follow a strict diet. However it also gives me the opportunity to practice the simplicity of dieting, portion control and luckily this aspect is where I am most lacking. I will for the next couple of months have to live off my grandparents and to ensure that I continue to lose weight this means portion control, portion control, wait-for-it......yes, portion control. My dietary focuses for the next 2 weeks before I go to Japan will be small, regular portions and attempting to stay away from sugar as much as possible. Lets do it. Alpha and Out!

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