About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Nov 21, 2010

The Early Morning Stroll

Early Sunday morning walking to my car after a sober night out with some mates, I was struck with many thoughts. It is strange when and where inspiration hits you. This has happened several times after a night out, walking home. Strolling through the cold city, pavements littered with intoxicated people, taxi's flying past and the wind swirling. In that 30 minutes I was more motivated to get fit, really fit, cut to shreds, more sociable then ever before. I think this is a result of my innate inability to strike up a simple conversation with anyone. But regardless of the cause, the motivational energy has to be used. After collapsing for a nights rest, I jumped outta bed raring to go and started to plan another renewed approach to "Alphadom"

The motivational energy gave rise to a creative surge. This creative surge gave rise to thoughts of a campaign to get absolutely defined and fit by the time a music festival hits town. Keep an eye on this space as I plan to unveil the campaign soon.

Monday started poorly, missing walking the dog and a morning run due mainly to sleeping in and rain. However I can catch them up today. So far diet has been almost entirely perfect. Exciting times for the Alpha!

(pic from http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3275/2462239677_e70dc4f96c.jpg)

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