About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Sep 1, 2011

Get Cut, Get Brained

I'mmmm baccccck! All it took was a bit of study, hitting my diet marks and of course smashing out at the gym. Arms and shoulders today and I made some gains but no loses so overall a successful session. Started off a little slow with a sleep-in feeling the effects of the past couple of says of average food. It's funny how in a matter of weeks a bit of the crap food you used to love now ferments and disgusts you, it's good.

On the first brainstorming point at work last night I have narrowed down an issue of thinking about to much- what I'm doing next year, when should I organize my PT course, will I make it into Med, Do I even want to do Med, what sort of person I'll become when I reach Alphadom. The list goes on. This vast array of thoughts, worries and concerns damage my focus and push me to the edge of mental stability potentially causing blow outs etc. So until the end of Uni I will only have two focuses and everything I do has to support one or both. The first catch cry is "Get Cut" and that entails dropping fat, putting on muscle and smashing out the diet to get cut and drop my body fat percentage. The second battle cry is "Get Brained" and this entails getting my head back into study and going hard out. At the end of the day all I can do now is do my best. There is no point fretting about what my future entails. Two focuses and hopefully greater intensity focus overall.

The other brainstorming work last night was restructuring my week to optimize my activities in my two focuses. Basically I have moved my "rest day" to Monday and I will call it more of a sleep in rather than a whole rest day. I have also scheduled long rides for Friday and Sunday mornings. Ontop of these changes I have scheduled definite study sessions as well as scheduling my gym times plus extra runs. Along with my Monday sleep-in I have scheduled a Friday night relax mainly to watch the Footy but also it's a good time of the week for a rest.

Refocused, reformed and restructured. Lets GO, Alpha and Out! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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