About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Jul 26, 2010

Back on Track

The gears began to click over this morning. The smoke began to puff. The fires were stoked to life. The Alpha train is pulling away from the overnight station stop off. Today a month or so of frustration was unloaded off the Alpha and things began to settle back to normal. Had a stress-free day of work, had my first Uni lecture back, was able to stick to the study session I had planned and most of all I returned to the gym.

My goal for the gym session was to test the hammy, do arms and chest and if the hammy felt fine on the bike, crank out a light 40 minute bike sesh. Went to the gym closer to home tonight for the first time. It was alright but a bit more crowded being in the "burbs". After a light warm-up on the bike and a stretch the hammy felt fine so I jumped on again and cranked out a decent 40 minute session. To avoid the boredom that sets in during a long tedious set I broke the 40 mins into 5 min sets. This I found very effective to ensure I did the whole time. Unfortunately when I completed my set the weights section was quite busy for late at night and I decided to skip the arms and chest and go home. But a win is still a win and I am finally on the road to recovery for my leg.

It felt weird to be back at Uni today. Even though it has only been 6-8 months off I feel completely removed from the system. This is exactly what I wanted to accomplish, to have time away and heal over the negative feelings I had connected to Uni. My organisational skills has picked up a level and I am hoping to really get stuck into this blog and its sidebar which has come adrift of late. Back in Black baby, Alpha and Out!

A2A Quote of the Week

" Yea but you gotta be proud of yourself, Huckleberry,"

Line from Martin Sheen's Wall Street character

A2A Tip of the Week

What ever your goal big or small, it will become much more achievable when broken down into sub-goals.

(image from http://www.ironrange.org/_site_components/images/user/enlarged/attractionsmuseumstower-train0.jpg)

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