About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Jul 29, 2010

Stone Cold Stopped

A very full-on week continues to unravel and I again find myself in my "Cocoon". Everyone has their own particular safe place where they retreat to when shit goes rough. Mine is my Grandma and Grandads. Great food, comfort, always supportive and caring without asking for anything in return.

Despite the doom and gloom at the moment, the day is darkest before the dawn, and the dawn is very close. Throughout this time I just gotta believe that there is big positive up ahead because karma always comes around. Right now I am deep inside the Cocoon but slowly starting tonight I will pull myself out do my study and go to the gym. I must position myself to come out of this shadow stronger and motivated. Gotta hit the ground running, Alpha and Out!


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