About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Aug 22, 2011

First Challenges

A long, long day, yesterday was. Cold, rainy and very windy weather wore me down. I ended up having too much desert and some biscuits before I went too bed. Certainly not the end of the world but considering how good I've been flowing lately it is enough to annoy me. Luckily though a minor setback like that doesn't derail me like it did before and I am up back on it today, my rest day.

The roots of the wearing day yesterday arose from my early start, waking up at 3:45am before my 4:30am alarm. I had only 4 hours sleep but I am was rockin' ok. I than made the mistake of using the scales to check where I was at. Good news I had cracked the 90kilogram mark which for so long had been a barrier. However the numbers weren't as great as I thought they'd be and this allowed the usual negative thoughts try and slip through. I jumped on my bike and rode to the gym for a session. I was stretching when I caught some of the negative thoughts trying to sneak in and I smiled. I smiled because one, I caught them and questioned them before they could sink in but I smiled mainly because the thoughts were completely non-founded. While the numbers might have not shown it I knew and could feel a massive gain in fitness and fat loss. It humoured me that these thoughts were completely off line. Despite the early start I continued to grind out a big day with shopping, catching up with mates and a Uni practical then grabbed a bus to pick up some protein powder, which I had just ran out of that morning. As a cornerstone of my diet, the lack of it really took the edge off my diet and most likely caused the minor blow-out last night. I think it has such a profound effect on me because of its appetite supressing qualities and also the ease at which it can be consumed.

Anyways, it is back to all quiet on the Alpha front with a rest day coming in as always at a good time. I will do some planning today and comeback to training tomorrow with force looking to improve my cardio, pack on some muscle and tweak my nutrition. Lets Getit, Alpha and Out!

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