About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Aug 2, 2011

Hittin The Stone

Milestones that is! I am having a champion day after a very tired, lethargic and flustered rest day yesterday. Speaking of which when I wrote yesterday's post I was sitting in the sun. After getting up and finding shade, reading up on my practical and grabbing a cold Coke Zero my misty head cleared somewhat and I managed to walk on.

Anyway back to the champion day. I seriously believe today's awesome origins came from just before I went to sleep. I had got a free sample of ice cream from work which I took home for my grandparents. Now never underestimate the power of ice cream on me, I would buy a 1 litre tub after work and demolish the lot at 3am in the morning back in the depths of Awkwardness. As I got home, extremely tired and having dinner in the back of my mind Awkward was whispering "Come on, there is a small tub of ice cream in the freezer for you to eat before you go to sleep," Not content just to entice me, he tried to rationalise it for me - "Come on your tired, you've been going all day, you were spot on with your diet you can fit it in, you deserve it," All the usual bullshit that Awkward sets in my mind when I am tired. The crunch point came as I walked past the freezer on the way to bed. I looked up at the white door, greyed by the night. And I...

Walked straight past it. Boom! That is the milestone I am talking about. Alpha knew that if I fell to the creamy sword, I would be up even later, sleep in, miss my 8am lecture, probably not even make it to Uni and have a dwelling, depressing day in bed. The final touch to my avoidance was the biography/training manual of champion triathlete Chris 'Macca' McCormack which I am currently enthralled in. Instead of grabbing a spoon and digging into temporary relief, I jumped into bed and read the book till I was right to drift off to sleep with the warmth of the dog at my feet.

Macca's book leads me onto the next reason I am in a great mood and having a productive day. His book has swung me around from pure desperate housewife style "fat-loss & toning" to training for a return to triathlon and doing everything for performance rather than vanity. This lead my gym session to crank out a race pace/flat out duathlon in the gym on the treadmill and exercise bike. When I left home this morning after a brief but deep sleep I had no intention of doing a duathlon in my gym session however I was in a good mood and thought about how busy the weights section would be and that it would be better to do that tomorrow morning rather than today. So I jumped on the treadmill and bike for a 5km:20km:5km run:bike:run. And I SMASHED IT! 22:51min - 35:43min - 24:04min. I am happy to see my body hold up to the race pace intensity and the increased duration of the workout. From this pattern I am going to launch myself into preparation and training for triathlons rather than fat-loss. And I am excited at the possibilities. Phew! Long post today but I got a lot of positives in my mind. Straight to the Top we're going, Alpha and Out!

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