About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Mar 12, 2010

Naming of the Tungs XIII team for NRL Supercoach

On the eve of kick off I have decided to release the composition of my squad to start the comp as part of the Courier Mail's SuperCoach. Here's how the teams line up, Thanks Rabbs;
H- Cam Smith (MEL)
P- Sam Thaiday (BRI) P- Ben Hannant (BUL)
2ndR- Sam Burgess (RAB) 2ndR- Nathan Hindmarsh-vc (PAR)
L- Josh Graham (GCT)
Ha- Jonathan Thurston (COW)
5/8- Preston Campbell
C- Brent Tate (NZW)
C- Israel Folau
W- Lote Tuqiri (TIG) W- Greg Inglis (MEL)
F/B- Billy Slater (MEL)
Reserves- J.Lilyman (NZW), M.Paea (BUL), A.McCullough (BRI), L.Setu (BRI),
S.Tagataese (GCT), M.Masoe (SYD), C.Sandow (RAB), B. Finch (MEL)
A.Quinn (MEL), J.Nightingale (STG), S.Walker (GCT), W.Zillman (GCT)

A pretty good team I back to do the job. I will outline any weekly changes I make on the blog if required.

Had another really good day today. Had quick meeting with Dad, then job searched till lucnh time. After lunch went on 1.25 hour bike ride and then 1.5 hours of goal kicking. Goal kicking was alright considering gale force winds, some were heading over the center and were pushed across the face. I reckon it is good to include some non-serious exercise to keep things interesting. By non-serious I mean something that is done purely for fun but also is exercise, it could be bowling, tennis but for me its goal-kicking. I have always found it fun and relaxing and since most of my friends live away from me it is an activity I can do by myself. Diet was ok today, had a very big dinner but other then that was fairly good. Discovered that I feel better, more like the Alpha after a lot of exercise on a nearly empty stomach, which shows to me that I feel better almost empty compared to over-full. Anyway hope all is good for the weekend. Go the Broncos and Reds. Alpha and Out!

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