About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Mar 3, 2011

Heading in The Right Direction

Despite another "while watching TV late at night" binge I still woke up this morning having lost some weight, drawing my self closer and closer to my end of week goal of 95kg or less. Only 600 grams to go. Again attempting to isolate my triggers for such an event, it is hard to do. I think the big one is still being awake long after dinner, relaxing and having one, say can of softdrink. This does more bad than good, leading to cravings, which in my tired yet awake state I am not able to repel. I think the route cause comes back to the TV, specifically watching late at night. This is made worse by not doing my required study or job search or anything.

Today I will aim to avoid the late night snacking by going to the gym tonight and actually going (I had meant to go yesterday). This in the past seemed to tire me and relax me and I would return home and collapse. I also have a pretty relaxed day with a session with my Life Coach and then a 2 hour lecture Friday arvo. Let's put it all together and grab this 95kg, Alpha and Out!

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