About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Apr 26, 2010

Slipped One Rung but Jumped up 2

Today was a very mixed bag. It started off well with a long dog walk and perfect nutrition until lunch. The day fell away from there. Had a blow-out at lunch, healthy food but portion sizing was out the window. However I have gained further insight into these blow-outs. They generally occur when I am bored or doing nothing and don't have someone there to act as a physical conscious. I have many things to do from exercising, soucring a new computer, actual work, working on my personal spreadsheets and powerpoints and even working on this blog. I have to stop making excuses and if I feel a blow-out coming on I can just immerse myself in something. Once this was realised the day picked up at a dramatic pace. I worked my butt off this evening to create a difference. Firstly I skipped my mid afternoon meal, not great for my metabolism but need to happen to minimize impact of the lunch time binge, a small dinner followed. I then did half an hour of intervals on the bike at the gym, went to touch and then back to the gym to do weights and more interval cardio. Recovered enough to post a decent loss for today. I can feel myself raring to really get stuck into this and have a good crack at the deadline. Hopefully this will continue when I wake to a cold morning. Just got to be strong and believe.

A2A Quote of the Week

" I have insercurities. But whatever I'm insecure about, I don't dissect it but I'll go after it and say "What am I afraid of?"

Kevin Sorbo, Hercules Actor (TV series)

A2A Tip of the Week

Have a think about what you do to relax and make a list. This will give you a mix of options when you want to relax.


  1. Hey you are making progress refining and adjusting the program moving closer and closer to the life you want to live that it great. Wow it will be great to see you at 90kg this week good for you all your hard work is paying off.

  2. So how will you be managing the probable blow-out you will be having in a bit more than a week's time with the boy's weekend? Will you be focusing on a increased fitness regime leading up to the event? Or a mainly diet focused approach, limiting calorie intake to account for the blow-out likely to occur?

  3. Thanks Goddess, I am happy with my progress now too. Mirror boy I am going to go the diet approach along with normal 2 hours of training.
