About Me

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I am a 21 year old sports and fitness fanatic from Brisbane, Australia. After a rough couple of years I have descended into the depths of Awkwardness - overweight, stressed out, poor life patterns, shy and next to no self esteem. Well, I am now taking a stand and fighting for my future. And that future is belonging to the "Kingdom of Alpha" as an Alpha male. This means working on my physique, my self confidence, social skills and life direction. Follow me through this trek toward the Kingdom!

Apr 1, 2010

Destiny's Child

Everything happens for a reason. I believe this to be true completely, and our mission of life is to find out the reasons for why something happens. This is most evident when early this morning I picked up my Dad from the airport at about midnight only to fall victim to a broken fuel gauge and subsequent running out of fuel. Dad had just got off a 8 hour flight and I had been up from 3:30 the previous morning. Not excatly the best time or place to be fueless. On the positive side we broke down in a carpark quiet due to the time of day and across the road from a servo. Howver a couple of jerry cans of fuel we realised that the scum in the depths of the tank had been flushed into the system and clogged up the filter meaning a call to RACQ and a tow. However back to the everything having a purpose. Will we waited for the tow truck me and Dad were able to have a good chat and talk our way through some issues that arose while he was away which really needed to happen. I can think of thousands of other cases of this throughout my life. The best example is my suffering depression and putting on almost 20 kilograms in 7-8 months. I am now a much stronger person, aware of the signs of burnout and have been kicked up the bum to change direction in my life to an extent and also sending on this weight loss and lifestyle improvement journey.

Right now that I have got the deep and meaningful jargon out of the way I can get back to the Alpha journey. Yesterday night I finally got my act together and did some calorie calculations to figure out what I need to do to burn off my food. I can't believe I discounted the power of calorie counting for so long, it has truly given me another boost in the process. As a science and numbers guy it makes a hell of a lot of sense to go this approach. I think that calorie counting has been given anegative stigma in the press most likely by the tabloids facination with dieting celebs and has given the wholoe process a bad wrap making the counting a somewhat "closet" activity which is sad because I personally found it extremely empowering and have so far followed the diet I set my self.

Always to remeber in both good and bad situations there is a reason for it happening and that you should proactively find out what that is. This will lead to much greater life. Alpha and Out!
(image from prettyshopaholiconline.com/blog4/)

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